Thursday 15 December 2011

In summary

In summary, the gist of my flexible learning plan is that I intend to ask the students in my first year SPF group next year to video themselves with a peer acting as 'the woman' doing some of the first year practise skills. They would use OP equipment. The videos would be shared with the rest of the SPF group in a supportive, session well facilitated by me. Watching their interaction with 'the woman' and reflecting on this will provide a great learning experience. This is just a beginning so once any issues that may present are sorted, the ultimate idea is that the videoclips could (if the students consent) be used as a resource for other students within the school as examples of best practice and perhaps further extended to include the Open education. Other aspects related to this are threaded throughout my blogposts as I have progressed through the Flexible learning course. Regards.

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